Monday, January 7, 2019

New years resolution

This year I am going to live kinder and gentler with less plastic waste - period.  I am going to reduce my plastic food packaging by 50%.  Everything I can buy in bulk I will.

Both whole foods and my little health store Mountain Mama will weigh food containers I bring into the store and let me refill them.  So no need to buy flour, pasta, beans, spices, grains, cereal, oatmeal, nuts, or dried fruit in plastic or paper.  I just save my jars, have them weighed and refill.  Easy peasy!


  1. You are already kind and gentle but I love this idea:) I don't know of any place in Santa Fe that weighs the container in advance but I did buy some wonderful cloth bags for nuts and dry stuff.

  2. This is so essential - I wish this was everyone's resolution. My co-op lets me refill jars as well and they provide recycled jars for customers. I've become totally jar-happy. But someone keeps throwing out my lids!

  3. Hmm - that lid thief needs to be caught! I have some of your jars you left here!
