Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Lemon Juice Fast

This is a 2019 Resolution - weekly 36-hour fasts. I'll try to do as often as possible, with 2-3 day fasts every six months. Good detox and jump start my weight loss too!


  1. Wow, another awesome resolution. What are the specifics of the lemon juice fast?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hahaha, I really just wanted to edit my comment. Ugh...

    Anyway, what my comment said was, for the first time in many years, lose weight is not one of my resolutions. My legacy of defeat is wearing me down. My resolutions involve gaining...knowledge and strength. We shall see...

  4. I've gained about 8 lbs since my broken wrist and I'm determined to lose it Knowledge and strength are great goals.

  5. I use the juice of two lemons with pure water in a 32 oz ball jar. Personally I also add a couple TBSP of honey for energy, but you can skip that if you like. Drink with a straw as it is very alkalizing and astringent in the body but acidic on teeth.

  6. WOW - every week is amazing! You go girl!

  7. Oh did I say every week? I meant every TWO weeks!! Chuckle, didn't take me long to back away from that..
