Saturday, January 19, 2019

Kombucha workshop

Went to the kombucha workshop at the Bliss Bar to learn how to brew my own kombucha. The lovely Ashlyn Zamora, founder and owner of the bliss bar was teaching. Twas a lot of fun and came home with one gallon starter and one almost finished rosehip and ginger kombucha.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Lemon Juice Fast

This is a 2019 Resolution - weekly 36-hour fasts. I'll try to do as often as possible, with 2-3 day fasts every six months. Good detox and jump start my weight loss too!

Monday, January 7, 2019

New years resolution

This year I am going to live kinder and gentler with less plastic waste - period.  I am going to reduce my plastic food packaging by 50%.  Everything I can buy in bulk I will.

Both whole foods and my little health store Mountain Mama will weigh food containers I bring into the store and let me refill them.  So no need to buy flour, pasta, beans, spices, grains, cereal, oatmeal, nuts, or dried fruit in plastic or paper.  I just save my jars, have them weighed and refill.  Easy peasy!