Monday, February 19, 2018

How's the new year going?

I completed my month of being booze free and now am drinking responsibly.  His Lordship is so please that I am available to go out for a pint every now and again!

I am still off of the coffee and have to say that I am sleeping a lot better.  Getting close to 7 hours a night.  I still wake up to pee but usually nod off with 10 minutes again so that is a big improvement.

The healthy eating plan is going well too and so is my exercise. So overall, I feel pretty swell.  How are you ladies???

However, after losing the weight gained over Christmas, I have not lost much.  The struggle goes on.  
This ad is 100 years old from 1918 proving that the battle of the bulge is nothing new!  Overstoutness - now there is a word that needs to come back into our vocabulary.


  1. I am still overstout...and not eating very well lately. Yes, the struggle goes on. BUT still booze free and getting plenty of exercise. So yay me! Need to get rid of my SUPERFLUOUS FAT. We are almost 2 months into 2018.

    I should give up coffee. It's expensive and I'm sure affects my sleep. Will mull on it.

    I have lots of blog topics to share as have found some interesting recipes/ideas lately. Like homemade strawberry soda. Sounds so good. Will have to motivate and DO THIS.

    Love the old much fun. Am I invited to the Halloween party this year?

    1. Of course you are invited. I would love to have you here for the party. Will be sending a save the date early. Superfluous fat - I love that expression. Sounds so much more distinguished than flab

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wanted to edit my comment but couldn't figure out how so deleted it. Hmmmm. Anyway, will look for your save the date. Send it to all peeps...I think Ms. Katherine might like to come back. I'll make some cider and need to start that early.

  4. Yes, please send a save the date. I want to give another try at being part of the Lady M menagerie.

  5. I'm not feeling that great, still have a lot of flagging energy and chronic fatigue. Thyroid and adrenals were really run down after all those years of work stress. It will take a while.

    But now exercising gently again, so that's progress. Sleep is always iffy and that's being down to a 1/2 cup of coffee.

    For the weight loss, I urge you to read "The complete guide to fasting" by Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore. Do you have a Kindle - I can loan it. Not sure I'll ever do a week-long water fast (recommended everyone do once a year). But I can vouch that a 36-hour water fast is pretty easy and really revs up insulin responsiveness and weight loss.

    Practice by doing a mono-fruit fast first. I did a couple 36 hour days eating only watermelon one day and grapes the next week.

    It's sad our culture thinks a 36-hour fast is some kind of scary, drastic thing. The body needs a rest once in a while.

    1. Yes scary - perhaps when his Lordship is in England. I don't have a kindle.
